Joe Devine, CEO of Cloud[8]Sixteen, Inc. Speaks at M&L Legal Management and Marketing Seminar

Joe Devine, CEO of Cloud[8]Sixteen, Inc. spoke at the Summer 2012 session of the M&L Legal Management and Marketing Seminar at the Fairmont Hotel in Vancouver, British Columbia.  His talk, titled:  “The Art of Designing Your Website for Maximum Conversion” discussed the importance of website conversion as it applies to the legal field.

Marshall Hughes and Lee Coleman have been sponsoring the M&L events since 1992, and the goal of the seminars is to allow attorneys from around the United States the chance to meet and share ideas for further industry success.  Past seminars have been held in the Dominican Republic, Aruba, and in Utah.

Joe Devine and the rest of the Cloud[8]Sixteen, Inc. family are proud to contribute to the M&L Legal Management and Marketing Seminars and look forward to future participation in such a great event.


Cloud 8 Sixteen, Inc.takes to the track at K1-Speed Indoor Go-Kart Racing

On June 1, 2012, Cloud 8 Sixteen, Inc. team members headed to the K1 Speed indoor go-kart track for the company’s most recent quarterly event. K1 Speed features a track that is among the largest indoor tracks in the nation, and the 20hp go-karts allow drivers to zip around the course at speeds of nearly 45 mph.

After three hours of racing and many impressive lap-times recorded, a final race was held with the top finalists for the day. When the dust settled, the results were as follows:

Final Standings:

1st Place – Kim Curtis
2nd Place – Joel Davis
3rd Place – Tom Swanson

While the triumphant winners each left the victory stand with trophies in-hand, the entire Cloud family agreed that this event was one that should be repeated, fitting well alongside past events like the Cloud Masters Putt Putt Tourney, Cloud Bowling Challenge, and Field Day.

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