- 24/7/365 live chat monitoring (with a living, breathing operator not a bot)
- Bilingual / Spanish chat
- Pay-for-performance pricing – only pay for legitimate chats, must meet pre-determined criteria
- Rapid delivery (within 3 minutes)
- Integration with mobile websites
- Live Transfer
- Installed on 5000+ websites
- SEO / search engine optimization on an exclusive basis
- Social media set-up and management
- Website design & build, on responsive themes for all device screen sizes
- Local (maps / places) profile optimization
- Custom video & photography content creation
- Over 250+ websites under management
- Business reviews. With our in-the-moment reviews platform, your happy customers can leave you a positive review on Google, Yelp, and Facebook right from their cell phone
- Code developed to block browser plugins from hijacking leads off your website
- Applies to Law firms (and in spite of the name, also disables plugins for non legal websites)